At the back end of 2022, I formulated a word that would define my expert business for the next 12 months.It was a gut feeling rather than a logical decision. But the word emerged. And that was Brilliance.I’d launched both the Business Spark Scorecard and my Sparkle Frameworks® Starter Kit in November. The Starter Kits

As a coach, you have a unique skill set and passion to help others achieve their goals and transform their lives. However, have you ever wondered why some coaches thrive while others struggle to attract clients? One crucial aspect that sets successful coaches apart is their ability to create clear offers that leave no room

As a heart-led coach or consultant asking this critical question will unlock your messaging  so you call out to the right peopleYou’ve likely been told more than once on your business journey to share who your ideal client is. Everyone from your logo designer, your website designer, your brand photographer, to people you meet inside

You may have heard the phrase “Less is More”. It’s something I’ve heard many times across the years in the online entrepreneurial space. But it’s not easy. And you can’t ever start with less.To simplify is a skill set that is honed with time.No creator starts with the winning idea out of the gates. They generate

Twenty years ago I created the first version of my website and my online business was live! My focus then was not that far away from what I do today but back then I was coming from a different angle. I was the service provider, and today I am the mentor / coach for entrepreneurial

How I went from speaking in my home office to stepping out and speaking in person at a live event!At the start of 2022 I challenged myself to show up more and get in front of more people. My strategy was to use a combination of social media videos, podcast guest appearances and speaking at

The Story Behind Sparkle FrameworksOn one particularly grey February morning, as I gathered my mastermind clients together for our regular call, I saw yet another message saying they didn’t have time to look at the training but had come along anyway to “listen in”. I could see that they were frustrated with the lack of action

This simple technique will make your presentations pop and have people on their feet!Suddenly everyone was up on their feet and taking photos of my presentation. The impact was immediate and sent a ripple of recognition and understanding through the room. I smiled. I knew my talk would benefit the audience of coaches I was

What’s your goal as an entrepreneur? To make sales, right? And the best way to make sales is to talk to the person who wants the solution you are selling. Whether to make your brand one that polarises your audience has long been a discussion in marketing circles. This Harvard Business Review article, Make the Most

The 5 steps you need to get ready to scale your coaching business.If you’ve been serving clients for several years now, you know that you have a valuable service to offer more people. But it’s also likely you just don’t know how to prepare your business to move to scalable success. You want to step

As a business owner, you want, and need, to be seen as professional, trustworthy, and as someone who gives and gets great results for their clients. I’m going to share 3 brand tips to help you show up as the Pro you are.Visibility is key for any business, if you are not seen, then you

“Everyone in business is talking about their message, or how to create a message… but WHY do I need a message? I do many things for my clients and it’s hard to put it into one message.”That is a direct quote from a conversation I had last week. And I get it, as business owners,