I'm Susanna Reay* award-winning scalable business mentor, known as The Authority Architect, speaker, writer, dot connector, idea catcher and so much more. I've been supporting expert founders build their authority brand business for 20+ years so they can serve their solutions online to many.
I bring a unique perspective to business thinking, informed by my professional training in design and business strategy, multi-cultural life experiences and strengths as a divergent visual thinker.
I capture your ideas and clearly structure them so you can create a thriving business that is aligned to you.
* If you're wondering how my surname is pronounced, it's "RAY" as in "SUN RAY". I follow my name and bring rays of light into your business.

*I believe that running a business should be fun, empowering and led with integrity.*
The Expert SPARK Process™
I take all my clients through this process to grow their expert authority, and land the clients they dream of.
The 5 steps are:
- Self - as the expert, everything starts with you, we understand what your goals are, your personality and who you wish to work with.
- Premise - then we create your unique premise, your signature solution, that outlines specifically what you wish to be known for.
- Art - we bring everything together into unique frameworks that capture your branding and show this in simple visuals, that others get instantly. (Example: my diagram of the Expert SPARK Process)
- Relevance - then we look at your offer suite, to ensure that everything you offer is relevant, and connected to your premise and set up to suit your lifestyle.
- Kudos - lastly we look at the elements that grow your authority, raise your profile and attract an ongoing audience who want to work with you.

The Authority Business Mentor
Business Leader Finalist, Business Success Awards 2024
Prestige Business Coach of the Year 2023/24
Strictly Come Speaking Award Winning Speaker 2023
IE100 Global Awards Business Mentor UK 2023, 2024
CEO Global 100 Business Mentor UK 2023

I've been working online with passionate go-getting expert entrepreneurs since 2002, and seen what works and what doesn't... so today I can share the years of experience with you, to save you time by giving you focused direction and accountability.
Working with self-motivated individuals who are passionate about serving others, creating greater impact in the world while finding the time to enjoy life too has been my passion throughout.
An authority brand starts with defining your unique business framework as this is the ignition point for monetising your expertise online through group programmes, in books and on stages.
A beautiful side effect is they boost both your brand and confidence as your audience engages with your business wherever you show up.

How I Support My Clients
I help business leaders, coaches, consultants and change-makers to amplify their services with an authority brand that is elevated with the power of frameworks so they can step up and serve their wisdom to many, whether in courses, memberships, books or on stages, it all starts with your amazing brain.
Authority Business Brands
are built around 3 key components

Signature Solution
To stand out from the crowd, share your unique angle on your industry. Crafting this into your bespoke authority framework is the springboard for success for a thriving expert business.
Scalable Offers
To grow your wealth, create scalable offers that facilitate the transformations promised and can be served to many; from group programmes to books to talks on stages.
Distinctive Content
To become a recognised voice, an authority brand, it's imperative to develop strong, consistent personal branded content, that inspires, sparks conversations and gets shared widely.
Living outside the Box
Half of my life has been spent living and working across the globe: 3 continents, 5 countries and 20 cities to be specific. This does not include travels for work and vacations. Today, the magic happens from my home studio, in the beautiful countryside south of Oxford in England, UK.
Life outside the box started as a child when my father took up entrepreneurial opportunities that led us across the oceans from the UK to America then Australia. This early on, built up an inner clarity compass as I quickly had to lean in, observe and see how society worked.
"To grow a business your clients must see an urgent need for your offering, apply it to their world easily and can see results. The number one way to do this is to create a bespoke authority framework that shows your gold at a glance." ~ Susanna Reay
Being immersed in a culture, gives you real time to observe and understand what is going on. Holiday makers just skim the top level of a society, so cannot truly understand what is happening below the surface. When you take time to explore and really go deep, draw out what you see in front of you, documenting it - then you get to see the real picture.
It's the same in business, understanding what you and your business need, to gain real clarity, starts with conversations. Clarity Conversations to be precise.
Since 2002, I've been supporting entrepreneurial start-ups, coaches and consultants to gain clarity and direction for the next stage growth in their business.
I always deep-dive into the strategic intent of the business owner and ensuring their services and brand aligned with their vision. Then we look at how you can use the high-tech tools to sell your offers globally, reaching your ideal clients wherever they are in the world.
My clients come from all over: Australia, Europe, America and the UK. Building global connections has always been at the centre of my business.
As a Highly Sensitive Introvert, I have always been very aware of how I need to manage my energy to perform as my best self. Ignoring this aspect has led to burnout and flunking exams I was predicted to ace.
The traditional workplace set-up exhausts me.
So I switched to working online, this allowed me to have complete control over my schedule and would not have a fixed income ceiling that traditional service providers face.
Not only that, I could teach others how to design their own business and take control of their content, messaging and design for themselves signature offers that they can serve at scale.

Unique Perspective
When you work with me, you get a unique perspective into your business as we can combine your expertise with strategy and branding that brings you the Wow! impact and will leave you top of mind to clients as we transform the spark of an idea into a sparkling business.
Formal Qualifications include:
- MBA Distinction in Business Management and Entrepreneurship
- 1st Class BSc. (Honours) in Textile Design and Design Management
- Graduate of many, many online training programmes over the years as I am an eternal learner and seeker of new insights.
AUTHORITY Frameworks
Creating your Authority Framework is the beating heart of a scalable business. To define yours, I've developed a series of Sparkle Frameworks® that provide crystal clear clarity on how to package up your expertise, one easy step at a time.
I share the essence of these inside business community workshops and talks that inspire founders into action.
Sparkle Frameworks®, an essential and unique part of my toolkit, whose development is the culmination of my design, business, and psychology background.
Frameworks work for everyone, whether you are creative or logical by nature, as they convey complex messages, fast.
Helping experts be seen, heard and respected
Igniting growth, wealth and freedom for genuine experts to shine brightly with inspired solutions.
Be the catalyst for expert business growth, setting the sparks flying through ideation, visualisation and action.
I am here to support the creative, divergent thinkers to make a positive impact in the world so together we can drown out the dross!
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Are you ready to S.P.A.R.K.?
You may feel that your time is coming, but everything is hazy and you are looking for support to take it up a level, so you can truly be seen, heard and respected. This is the sign that it's time to amplify your SPARK.
If you are a creative thinker, a creative disruptor, a maverick, a change-maker, a leader who is ready to step up and play the bigger game as you share your wisdom with the world. You are ready to SPARK.
I specialise in supporting expert founders and business leaders gain true clarity in their business.
Together we develop and monetise your unique concepts which will ignite your business.
Every Revolution starts with a SPARK.
Click here to discover how you can get deep support for your business

"Every expert needs Susanna in their business!"
Why work with me, you ask?
I get tech and strategy as much as design and branding, so can uniquely bring these together to grow your authority brand.
Scalable Business Mentoring is about delving into every aspect of your business; the offers you serve, the price points, the distribution vehicle, the marketing and your branding.
Many business owners get stuck as;
1) they have too many ideas,
2) they don’t know where to focus their efforts, and
3) while they might feel comfortable with one part of the equation, they don’t know how to do the other. I do.
I know how to package up your expertise to not just sell, but earn your true worth.
I am Susanna, sending sparks flying globally.
Claudia loves Susanna's personal in depth approach

Claudia De Voogt
Susanna is someone who has tons of experience, yet coaches you on the level you're at, really nice and friendly, she has so much patience as we keep asking questions over and over, she motivates you, and corrects and suggests new options. It was a game changer for me and I learned so much.
You just don't know what you don't know and I can write 100 more emails and texts, if no-one corrects me, I won't grow. And this is exactly what I love about how Susanna supports her clients.
My biggest win by far is finally creating something WITH the help of a professional, instead of getting some info and then having to wing it myself.
I love Susanna's personal in depth approach.
Introverts Can Totally Rock At Business!

If you are introverted in nature, a great starting point is getting hold of a copy of my book, The Introvert Way® Roadmap which outlines the best way to grow your knowledge-based business as an introvert without overwhelm and exhaustion.
The Introvert Way® Roadmap takes you on the journey from being erratic at best with showing up with strategically.
We all get bombarded online with multiple "instant solutions", but to create high value scalable offers, you need more than just a series of shiny offers that sit on your hard drive; you need a map, that shows you what to focus on and when.
This book will show you how to do it, as it's how I did it!
a few words from my amazing clients
Together, we design your business in a comfortable, controlled way so that you can connect to more customers, without feeling overwhelm.

“You will be blown away by Susanna’s amazing knack of coming up with personalised ways of getting you moving forward. She has a sharp intuition for business and a really infectious enthusiasm.” Debra

Susanna has your best interests at heart. She is always ready to assist, encourage and inspire you to take the bigger actions your business needs. She gives you detailed individualised help and very obviously loves her work with in turn transfers to her clients.
Susanna gave me the encouragement to just keep going. I am very happy to have worked with you Susanna, thank you very much. Jane Adlington

“I really like your small group programs. You are an artist in your business, true understanding us, helping us.
Susanna can help you clear your business idea and also support you with her deep knowledge about technical stuff. Beside that Susanna is really good listener and she'll call you back if she sees that she find something more that's good for you to do.” Mojca

"A session with Susanna is like a breath of fresh air for your business. She can cut through all the noise there is. Hand over, like hot bread, great ideas for both visibility and tips on how to manage your social media from a being-less-overwhelmed position. This is want I need as a highly sensitive person and she is gifted this woman." Marian

"Susanna is able to make you think of different ways on how to structure your work and your approaches in a simple, down to earth and super affective ways.
She challenges you to think out of the box by staying true to yourself and to not feel overwhelmed... her training felt as if we would sit face to face and have a conversation on how to get my business out there and to be more seen, rather then being lectured.
And on top of it all, all this happened with a lot of fun, too. Attending the training - listening to the videos and following up on the tasks brought joy, motivation and encouragement." Ann-Katrin