Andrew and Pete, Clare Josa, Sue B Zimmerman, Gus Bhandal, and Justice Williams MBE are among the speakers at the Super-Fast Authority Think-Tank Summit.
But apart from learning about the big ideas that’s moved their business forward, why should you get your ticket?
Here are 7 reasons to come along.
- You will have conversations you can’t have anywhere else - by attending live you will be in the room where it happens and you can get your voice heard. Active participation is encouraged during the sessions so if you’ve got something to say about the topics, we want to hear it.
- You’re going to meet business owners like you so you can grow your network and find new opportunities for collaboration
- You’ll get new perspectives on topics. We get stuck in our own bubbles and this event will give you different ways of thinking about what to do and how to do it
- You’ll get ideas for how to stand out, grow your authority and influence - whether you want to build your Instagram or LinkedIn presence, speak on stages, publish a book, or get media coverage, you will pick up top tips on what to do to get yourself seen and heard.
- You’re going to be inspired to take action - all the talks are punchy, 15-20 minute sessions focused on something you can implement in your business.
The Super-Fast Authority Think-Tank Summit 2024 ran from November 4-8 online.
Download the insights report and be first to join us in November 2025 here