
The struggle is real. Introverts and Overwhelm.. 

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The struggle is real. 
Introverts and Overwhelm I mean ...

Yesterday I had a huge overwhelm meltdown, nasty tears and all in front of my coach in our Zoom Session ... everything was just too much for me.

She had challenged me .. and I had failed.
At least that's what it felt like to me. 
She did not say those words at all.

I'm used to being a grade A student - so when things do not work I'm so hard on myself. Too hard.

This is a common trait for those with a tendency of internalising issues.

Here's the important part: I didn't even know I WAS overwhelmed before the call.

I did know I was resisting massively. 
Something was very off - it did not feel right at all.

But until we started discussing the task, I could not pinpoint it down. Why was I resisting so much?

And then the flood gates opened.

Geez it's tough for emotional, highly sensitive and creative souls to create your own business.

Everyday we are pushing new boundaries and learning new techniques to take us one step closer to our goals.

I could not have reached the point I am now at without taking steps out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Some succeed and some fail. 

We all make mistakes

It's OK to reach out for support. 

In fact it is essential. 
Even if it's something we consider in our zone of genius , it is even more important to get an outside pair of eyes on what we are doing.

It is very hard to be objective with yourself!

Having a mentor, a coach to help you overcome your difficulties is often the critical difference between a stagnating and a growing business.

I've now realigned the task that was causing so much inner anguish, and I feel lighter today than I have been for weeks. I am taking steps still out of my comfort zone but in a different direction. 

There is more than one way to exit a circle!

If you have felt the overwhelm descend, the tears roll down... then I encourage you to remember these 3 simple steps: 

1. Stop and Breathe. take yourself away from the office, relax and let your head have some space. 

2. Brain dump all the issues that are flying around your head onto paper. Getting out of your head is crucial.

3. Realign with your heart and look with new eyes at the most important task. Focus on one thing only. And do it well.

And do not forget big hugs always go down well.

Keep dreaming!

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Written by Susanna Reay, 07/12/2019

Susanna Reay is a multi award-winning coach, writer, and speaker who’s been bringing clarity, focus and structure into small businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups for over 20 years. Susanna brings a unique perspective informed by her training in design and business strategy, her life-long interest in psychology and strengths as an introverted online business builder. Her book, courses and mentoring have been the catalyst for growth for clients who’ve integrated Sparkle Frameworks® into their business. She helps the unseen be seen, heard and respected. Susanna is based in Europe, serving a global audience from her English home.

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