
Why Do I Need A Message? 

“Everyone in business is talking about their message, or how to create a message… but WHY do I need a message? I do many things for my clients and it’s hard to put it into one message.”

That is a direct quote from a conversation I had last week. And I get it, as business owners, coaches, consultants we have many strings to our bow and it can be hard to focus.

We created our own business as we didn’t want to fit in the employee box. We wanted to break-free from constraints. To work on our own terms and see success on our terms. 100% yes. 

BUT and yes, there is a but… in business we only see that success and flexibility we dream of when we have a clear focused message. 

  • Your message brings the right people to your service, it repels the wrong people.
  • Your message needs to provide clarity and direction to the listener or reader. 
  • Your message focuses your marketing activities

Don’t be like the coach who I spoke to and shared within ten minutes told me 17, yes seventeen different offers that they have. Information overload hit fast as I was listening.

Luckily creating calm from chaos is one of my superpowers to help people sort out their message, and another ten minutes later on the same call I’d managed to extract the big message from the coach as to who they supported and how. 

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A Special Invite

It’s super tough doing this for ourselves, and this is why I invite you to join  The Spark Space, where we focus on refining not only your message, but also your offers and business systems to elevate your business online. 

In Connection, we start by looking at your brand values and philosophies then create together your BIG message that will bring greater clarity than you’ve had before in your business. 

Throughout your annual membership, you have the opportunity to get direct feedback from Susanna.

Your message needs to be aimed at users with dreams like…

  • Making a significant impact in the world.
  • Feeling important.
  • Achieving something that currently feels "impossible”.

It tells them “You hear them, see them and is a place for people like you”

I often talk with clients about creating content that speaks to their audience’s Inner Truths - the things that make them say "OMG that is so true!"

Often, these Inner Truths are their pain points - because that's a great way to keep them focused on the solution that you offer. But there’s a brighter side to Inner Truths, too:

  • Your customer's dreams. The things they really want.

Relatable messaging that resonates with your audience’s dreams won’t just make them smile ruefully but drive them to engage…

It’ll also get them envisioning exactly how your service can actually help them achieve those dreams, whether that’s…

  • “Having a beautiful bathroom”, “feeling better about how I look”, “getting past my money blocks” or, “enjoying life without time-bound constraints”.

Even if you didn’t realise it until now, your service has the power to move your ideal customer closer to their dreams.

Your content, your message needs to remind them of that.

Whether you're new or 30 years in your industry, realigning your message is something you need to revisit every 6 months, as you change and your clients evolve.

In The Spark Space you may just discover the messaging breakthrough you need as it's designed specifically for committed heart-led coaches and consultants. 

Written by Susanna Reay, 02/21/2022

Susanna Reay is a multi award-winning coach, writer, and speaker who’s been bringing clarity, focus and structure into small businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups for over 20 years. Susanna brings a unique perspective informed by her training in design and business strategy, her life-long interest in psychology and strengths as an introverted online business builder. Her book, courses and mentoring have been the catalyst for growth for clients who’ve integrated Sparkle Frameworks® into their business. She helps the unseen be seen, heard and respected. Susanna is based in Europe, serving a global audience from her English home.

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